The Andrii

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The Andrii, which means “the evolved” in the old language of the Banethak, are descendants of humans which the Banethak have performed genetic experiments on during the great war, three thousand years ago. Most of the savants think that the Banethak wanted to create a species which have the mental capabilities of themselves and the physical resilience of humans. The creation of the Andrii was a desperate attempt to turn around the great war in its final years. After the annihilation of the Banethak, the Andrii were pursued and killed by the humans because they thought the Andrii were assistants of the Banethak. Even today, the Andrii are haunted in some regions like Galandria and the free cities.

portrait-oriaOver the centuries the Andrii have mingled with normal humans. That’s the reason the Andrii look so different. Some of them, like Yani and her sister Floreigh, look like normal humans, just with fancy ears and eyes. Others, Oria Devagin for example, have a more demonic features. Rumors say that there is a lost group of Andrii which have never mingled with humans. They call themselves Nagi’anini. However, nobody knows if this group really exists. Among the most publicly known Andrii today are Arlyn dera Ankari, the first sorceress of the council of sorceresses and her daughter Kahlen.

One of the astonishing physical features that identify the Andrii is the lack of any kind of pubic hair. Another legacy of the Banethak is their sensibility for telepathy. Nearly every Andrii has this capability, although many do not develop it. The strongest among them can make a mind meld with their partner during the act of sex.

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